A simple way to find any boundary is to launch www.osm.org and to navigate the map to that border.
answered 28 Feb '13, 00:51 GentilPapou |
Probably a more beginner-style answer is appropriate here ;) So, how to access the Country-Relation: 1) Zoom to a part of the border 2) Choose Edit in Potlatch 3) Select a part of the border 4) Go to advanced mode 5) In the lower part, after the tags, you see, which relations have this way as a member. By double-clicking the relation number, the relation opens in a new window. 6) Repeat this, until you find the needed relation. Most country boundaries are members of several relations, as they are boundaries also of the neighbouring country and several lower admin levels like provinces, counties etc. 7) If you found "your" relation, you can choose the advanced mode in the relation view window, and look at the tags, edit them, or add new tags. NOTE: Country boundaries can be an emotional topic. To avoid edit wars or hard feelings, check with the local community if you change something important, like the language of the main name-tag, for example. answered 17 Mar '12, 08:03 moszkva ter SomeoneElse ♦ |
The boundary is a way-element just like a street is. Find the boundary :) answered 16 Mar '12, 17:30 TheOddOne2 1
Often the way element itself isn't tagged as a boundary, but it belongs to a relation that is tagged as a boundary. When you select a way, you'll see which relations it belongs to, and can then inspect those.
(16 Mar '12, 17:56)
Vincent de P... ♦
The boundary relation he asks is not the boundary way you speak of. OSM uses type=boundary on both the relation and the way and people who write short phrases use a sort, confusing "boundary" for both.
(28 Feb '13, 00:26)