I want to download all the road names (and the post code if possible) from one particular town in the UK and put it into a word or excel document- is this possible? if so, how? |
I think your question was left unanswered because one might suspect it will be a steep learning curve for you to accomplish your wish, as you imply that getting it in to a Word-document is part of the problem ;) But a straightforward way of doing this could be:
Or, if you're willing to compensate, you could contact any of the Openstreetmap consultants, like Geofabrik or gravitystorm (There might be some clever way of doing this easy, like this, or for your particular question: http://nominatim.openstreetmap.org/search?q=Residentials%20in%20London, but it doesn't work and would be some pain to extract the result.) |