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When I load map in GPS and search for POIs in Chon Buri province, for example, the address shown in the search result is Samut Prakan province. Even some places in Cambodia show up as Samut Prakan.

asked 15 Mar '12, 14:36

RocketMan's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

edited 19 Mar '12, 11:59

SomeoneElse's gravatar image

SomeoneElse ♦

There are several options to fix this.

  1. create an account and fix it yourself. If you know where the border should be it is quite easy (move it with mouse in an online editor.
  2. You can go to print out the area and draw where the border should be, some will eventually fix it, but it will take longer than doing it yourself.
  3. Report the error to openstreetbugs. Someone might fix it, but he would need to know where the border should go and it might take a will till someone capable will come there.
  4. Hope someone who knows the area reads this and fixes it. That is not very likely though.
permanent link

answered 15 Mar '12, 20:11

LM_1's gravatar image

accept rate: 10%

I have an account and are in the area. The border is drawn already but it does not work. I simply does not understand how it is supposed to work.

(19 Mar '12, 10:23) RocketMan

There are a couple of help questions already about fixing borders. that may be the problem, but it may be that Nominatim (which is what handles your search) is just confused. There seem to be 4 Chon Buri boundary ways (that map poorly onto other underlying data) but no relation.

(19 Mar '12, 12:05) SomeoneElse ♦

Actually - see this previous answer which explains it best.

(20 Mar '12, 23:15) SomeoneElse ♦

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question asked: 15 Mar '12, 14:36

question was seen: 4,007 times

last updated: 20 Mar '12, 23:15

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum