I have a question about the location of old tramway cars: In Tbilisi, a group of private people have saved an old tramway car from scrapping, it is now standing on a private property waiting restoration. How can I tag these? It is not a museum, as there are no opening hours. Anyway, it is possible to visit them, as the area is not fenced in. And they are interesting landmarks and potential attractions for railway buffs. I was thinking about historic = * But I don't know any further. But there are no tracks, so it is not qualified as a railway=preserved or abandoned. Every input appreciated. BTW, I was searching the tram car several times, and I am happy to finally found it and being able to take some photos. I want to save the hassle to fellow interested people :) |
Well, there is no clear tagging convention for such objects and I would suggest you to contact our mailing list dedicated to tagging discussions : tagging@openstreetmap.org. would it be ok to tag it as historic=ruins? Well, it is some kind of ruin, unfortunately ;)
(15 Mar '12, 17:36)
moszkva ter
Ruins are the remains of man-made architecture. Not something about vehicles, even if they look like ruins ;) And don't use innappropriate tags just to see an icon on the slippy map. That would be 'tagging for the renderer'. But why not "historic=tram" or "historic=tram_vehicle" or "historic=vehicle" + "tram=yes" ? Again, you should discuss on the tagging mailing list.
(15 Mar '12, 18:20)