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What are the existing devices that can do all of the following:

  • Take picture
  • Save lat-long position + orientation (angle to North) of picture (in exif or elsewhere; tilt is bonus)
  • Save precision-related NMEA fields as possible (at least HDOP, other=bonus)
  • If possible: display OSM tiles (better if I can put my own ones)

Ideally HDOP and the like should go into both exif of the pictures and gpx track, but post-processing (gpscorrelate or the like) is OK.

I would need to know this ASAP to buy the device and learn how to use it: it's for an 80-day alpine mapping party, starting early June 2012! See here:

Thanks! Mayeul

asked 14 Mar '12, 16:45

Mayeul's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

It is fairly simple to GEO tag photos by synchronising the camera's clock exactly with GPS as you possibly know, for details see wiki JOSm will drop the photos on the map for you as well. Smart phones could with the right app maybe give a photo compass bearing although this may need a couple of stages as the phone needs to be horizontal for bearing and vertical to take photo. You could photo the view followed by the compass pointing in the same direction not neat but a rough solution.

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answered 14 Mar '12, 23:56

andy%20mackey's gravatar image

andy mackey
accept rate: 4%

"as you possibly know": correct, since I mentioned gpscorrelate. I'm looking for a device which saves the bearing even in vertical position. 3D compass chips are not much expensive than 2D compass and, since smartphones generally rotate their display when you rotate them (using accelerometers and 3D compass) this should be included. The issue is that it should be accessible easily for the OS and the applications which saves the data. I guess the GTA04 Phoenix might do this but I'm not sure (and its quite expensive: about 850 euros)

(15 Mar '12, 00:37) Mayeul

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question asked: 14 Mar '12, 16:45

question was seen: 4,992 times

last updated: 15 Mar '12, 00:41

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum