As far as I have understood edits not licensed under the ODBL will start to disappear in April. Is there a way to see the affected edits on the map (maybe as a special layer), so I can start recreating data from my area as soon as possible? |
The OSMI License Change view is an useful tool for this purpose. It highlights ways, nodes, and some relations affected by the license change. Clicking on these reveals additional detail that are valuable for either contacting the authors or remapping the objects. Cleanmap is an alternative with a different approach to visualization. It renders either "clean" or "bad" objects in the familiar Mapnik rendering style, illustrating how the map might look if all data affected by the license change were to be removed today. When editing an area, it is helpful to have licensing information displayed directly in the editor. Potlatch 2 has a built-in feature that does this. For JOSM, you can install the JOSM License Change plugin. |