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In, what is north should be covered in wood (same as what is in the south, the only thing i changed was adding some nodes on the contour to match it better with the current situation (previously, it was very crude). Now it doesn't show up at all in mapnik, but in osmarenderer it does.

Then there is another thing with wood besides the river, which is wood=mixed, but is it also to be tagged landuse=forest?

asked 11 Oct '10, 08:40

Alexander%20Roalter's gravatar image

Alexander Ro...
accept rate: 0%

edited 11 Oct '10, 17:04

Jonathan%20Bennett's gravatar image

Jonathan Ben...

That forest area was in two parts(small section near Lienerweg was apart from main part). Fixed it.

Forest areas should be tagged as landuse=forest (if forest is being maintained) or natural=wood (when it is not maintained). On both cases use wood=* to indicate what type of trees grow in that forest.

Another strange (and wrong) thing in that area is usage of layer=* tag. It should not be used on areas like landuse and natural. Take a look at:

permanent link

answered 11 Oct '10, 11:19

RM87's gravatar image

accept rate: 22%

edited 11 Oct '10, 17:05

Jonathan%20Bennett's gravatar image

Jonathan Ben...

Thank you for fixing it (I cannot do it from my current computer).

Regarding the layer thing: The entire landuse=farmland/forest seem to be imported by someone from some official datasets, and they are consistently tagged as layer=-2 (which apparently is used for doing some 'layering' as you would do in a vector drawing application. I started drawing things with no overlap, but with common borders, as I reckon this is the correct way to do it.

(11 Oct '10, 11:31) Alexander Ro...

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question asked: 11 Oct '10, 08:40

question was seen: 5,655 times

last updated: 11 Oct '10, 17:05

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum