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To clarify the question, I would like to tag the start/end of a local walking route which is indeed a roundtrip (roundtrip=yes). I guess I should add this to a node, which is often close to the Tourist office.

asked 12 Mar '12, 10:10

gerdami's gravatar image

accept rate: 15%

Add whatever marks the start of the route to the relation and give it the role "start". This does not have to be a node. It could just as well be a building or a parking lot.

Note that a route can have multiple start points, so you can't always look at the ordering of the ways. See e.g. the routes here: Panbos/Beerschoten

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answered 25 Mar '12, 15:13

cartinus's gravatar image

accept rate: 27%

edited 01 Aug '14, 15:37

gerdami's gravatar image


If there is something physical on the ground such as a guidepost, map board, building, monument etc you could add the node to the relation for the walk. I have done a similar thing with the monument stone comerating the Battle of Worcester 1651, at the start of the Monarch's Way.

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answered 12 Mar '12, 13:49

srbrook's gravatar image

accept rate: 13%

Thank you for your suggestion. However, I am expecting a way to display a "racing flag" or a green flag. Why a starting point for a circular route? Just because, there is often a text description of the walking route with monuments, viewpoints, etc.

(14 Mar '12, 10:59) gerdami

My implicit assumption was: the route relation has an ordered list of ways and the start of the first way is the start of the route and the end of the last way is the end of the route. (the start/end of the way is the node not connected to the next way/previous way in the relation).

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answered 16 Mar '12, 18:36

mmehl's gravatar image

accept rate: 15%

edited 17 Mar '12, 11:42

In a roundtrip, start node = end node.

(17 Mar '12, 09:45) gerdami

It's true that in a roundtrip the start node and the end node are the same, but what's the problem? In this case the start node in the first way of the relation and the end node in the last way of the relation is the node you are looking for.

(17 Mar '12, 09:50) mmehl

You are right if the mapper actually mapped the first way as it should be. As you said, it is only an implicit assumption.

(17 Mar '12, 10:52) gerdami

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question asked: 12 Mar '12, 10:10

question was seen: 7,570 times

last updated: 01 Aug '14, 15:37

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum