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Someone deleted a rather large (a few square kilometers) forrest near my house. I spent some time optimizing the forrest contours last year and don't really want to recreate the whole thing. Is there a way to get back the lost data? I found someone explaining how to restore ways if you know the id but in this case I don't know it.

asked 09 Mar '12, 22:08

cimm's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

edited 24 Jun '13, 22:16

aseerel4c26's gravatar image

aseerel4c26 ♦

The method described in this question (using Potlatch 1) should still work, but it's important to try and understand what's happened and why before doing so. There are a number of reasons why something might have been deleted, including the following:

  1. It's just a mistake. These things occasionally happen.
  2. Someone's got some data from a better source that's more accurate.
  3. The data's OK, but it's not compatible with the new licence, so rather than getting automatically deleted on 1st April, someone's tidying it now so that it won't get deleted on 1st April.
  4. Someone's actively vandalising the map.

What would be really helpful would be if you could post a link to the affected area. While (4) is very rare, it's much easier to revert a vandal's entire changeset than it is to try and do it after parts have already been partially restored.

So, can you post a permalink (using the link at the bottom-right of the map (page) to the affected area?

permanent link

answered 09 Mar '12, 22:30

SomeoneElse's gravatar image

SomeoneElse ♦
accept rate: 16%

Thanks for that. I took a second look and indeed, the data was still there but the ways got split so it wasn't a closed way anymore. Had a look at a merge/split screencast ( and fixed the problem. Thanks!

(09 Mar '12, 22:42) cimm

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question asked: 09 Mar '12, 22:08

question was seen: 10,820 times

last updated: 24 Jun '13, 22:16

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum