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hi, I need to create a map for my personal website and need to change certain names of various locations. Eg. a name of one street into a different name. My question is: can I create a map with edited names of eg streets/squares just for my personal use, ie. without modifying the main map on ??? Sorry if this question sounds silly, I'm new to this.

asked 09 Mar '12, 01:36

mstarostka's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

Yes. There are two general ways to do this.

One is to download the data, modify it, and use a rendering software to make a map from that modified data. This means you will have to install a suitable rendering software yourself. Enter "render my own map" in the search box above to look at some responses concerning this. You might want to try "Maperitive" as an easy entry into map rendering; it comes with a ready-made map style that looks similar to what you know from This option has the advantage that you'll be able to even create tiles, i.e. a zoomable, pannable map.

The other option is to download a ready-made map and try to change the names on that. This is probably only feasible if you want to change just a few names, and you won't get a slippy map that way, but you don't have to install a renderer either. You can go to the "export" tab on and export a map in SVG format, then use an SVG editor like "Inkscape" to remove the letters you don't want and place others instead. This is going to be cumbersome because road labeling consists of lots of individual letters, rather than one text element.

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answered 09 Mar '12, 07:05

Frederik%20Ramm's gravatar image

Frederik Ramm ♦
accept rate: 23%

edited 09 Mar '12, 10:07

thank you for a quick reply! this really makes sense now. :)

(09 Mar '12, 09:43) mstarostka

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question asked: 09 Mar '12, 01:36

question was seen: 4,531 times

last updated: 09 Mar '12, 10:07

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum