a group of my undergraduates will be mapping our campus as a project. what examples can i show them of well mapped campuses? i'd like to - inspire them about what's possible - give them practical ideas about the different sorts of things that can be mapped |
Cambridge (wiki, OSM) is probably worth a look at, as David Earl's doing an "official" (for the Uni) OSM-based remap - and very nice it looks too. |
Additional university, colleges in the USA: [University of Utah] http://www.openstreetmap.org/?lat=40.7656596601009&lon=-111.846900880337&zoom=17 A sprawling agricultural university Kansas State University: http://www.openstreetmap.org/?lat=39.18775&lon=-96.57699&zoom=16&layers=M Relatively dense Wake Forest University http://osm.org/go/ZS28kq76v- Case Western Reserve University http://www.openstreetmap.org/?lat=41.51088&lon=-81.60855&zoom=17&layers=M |
Not explicitly a campus, but general inspiration may be found here: http://help.openstreetmap.org/questions/6894/exceptionally-well-mapped-areas-examples
Well, in fact you will find links such as http://map.umd.edu/map/ reading that thread.