Hello, I am trying to generate a map, which consists only of street names (none of the other features are rendered), and hoped to be able to apply osmrender, which comes with some example stylesheets. In this regard, I would greatly appreciate some discussion about the following. Is there a compendium of the osmarender stylesheets, if yes, is there a description of what every stylesheet does, which stylesheet would be a good starting point for my purpose? At this point I can't seem to find a style sheet that would simply NOT omit the street names: for example, when I execute "java -cp xalan-j_2_7_1/xalan.jar org.apache.xalan.xslt.Process -in osmarender/stylesheets/osm-map-features-z17.xml -out map.svg" on the Manhattan's data.osm file, i get the map, but no street names (I need the opposite) -- at least looking at the svg file in Chrome or Adobe Illustrator. Other osmarender stylesheets produce errors. Thanks in advance. |
I switched from xalan parser to xmlstarlet and rules started functioning as expected. Bad xalan! |
40 something views and no answer.
Is this question out of this world? Why? Is the answer too obvious? Where do I read more about it?
I cannot give you a hint for your concrete question, but if you cannot get any answer here, ask also at the OSM forum or one of the OSM mailing lists.
Also specify if you really want streets names only or if you expect some lines or vectors for the street themselves (or just 'floating text')
I may be interested in both: street names as a "text floating in space" or street names along some lines or vectors -- depending on what looks better.