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I have some problems, when I want to get some informations about specific types of POI from openstreetmaps. I use service query-to-map nad I want to get information about all places with amenity=restaurant tag.

When I call a service with a key and without value, everything works fine and I get a lot of places:,50.95,13.9333,51.15

However if I change a call and use a service with nonempty value parameter (like below, where I have key=amenity and value=restaurant) I don't get any result:,50.95,13.9333,51.15

I have also tried with other key and value parameters and it's all the same. There are many restaurants in this area so it's not a problem in map. Any idea what could be wrong and how I can change a call to get information about POI.

asked 07 Mar '12, 10:28

VidV's gravatar image

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Your second link works for me, too?

(21 Mar '12, 20:50) hfs

Just as hfs, both links work very fine. Browser problem?

(22 Mar '12, 16:47) Sylvain

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question asked: 07 Mar '12, 10:28

question was seen: 1,478 times

last updated: 22 Mar '12, 16:47

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum