Hello, Soccer games are very popular in my country. It is common for a medium-size city to have at least 20-30 bet points for Eurofootball. These are usually small separated buildings where one can have beverages, watch games, bet and see previous results. Do you have any suggestions how to tag such a bet point? |
there's a new proposal for bookmakers here: http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Proposed_features/Bookmaker But it is quite a new a draft and not used much yet. There is another proposal for all kind of gambling here: http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Proposed_features/Gambling - it is from 2009/2010 but the discussion fell asleep, as it seems. If the place is also visited by a significant amount of guests not betting, but just sitting and watching the game on a screen, drinking beer, then you can additionally tag it as amenity=pub or amenity=cafe These places became quite popular in Europe, since major sports events are less and less shown on free TV but on expensive pay-per-view channels instead. |
I don't see what's the need for a specific bookmaker tag. Seems obvious to me that |