I don't feel competent to edit the map database. But, I believe I have discovered an obvious mapping error. Without opening the floodgates of spam and abuse, is there some recognized method for naieve map users like me to flag somebody, in an editor role and say: "hey, this looks like a duff edit. can somebody check it out please?" it is of course possible what I'm seeing is some kind of s/w bug, but I was interested to see it repeated on the openstreetmap consuming iPhone app, and in the web view, which makes me think somebody has uploaded some corrupted waypoints or mis-edited the data (which is precisely why I dont want to try and edit it: I think it might be better done by a cartographer or somebody who understands what they are doing) My instance is at: http://www.openstreetmap.org/?lat=28.0952&lon=77.3471&zoom=12&layers=M PS yes, I searched the FAQ/Wiki before posting. amazingly, nothing I saw in the top ten matched sensibly against
&c &c &c PS2 Yes, I was driven down this road not 48h ago both ways, and I am reasonably confident that we didn't suddenly do a 3-sides of a triangle dogleg either time. |
The tool made for exactly this purpose is called "Notes". It is an improved version of the older OpenStreetBugs. Everyone can report a problem for a location without signing up, and experienced mappers can then fix and close these bugs. Rather than read the wiki page, just look on the left of the map at http://www.openstreetmap.org/ There are a number of buttons. The bottom button will add a bug "note" to the database for that area.
(13 Nov '13, 22:46)
@stf: that is valid (if you would replace "left" by "right") until the next UI change, yes. ;-)
(13 Nov '13, 23:31)
aseerel4c26 ♦
Did I mention I am dyslexic with regards to "left" and "right"? I do a lot better with directions if given as "north", "south", "east", and "west". I'd much rather have someone tell me "turn north at highway 123" than "turn right at highway 123". :)
(14 Nov '13, 00:19)
Looks like someone fixed it already.
I don't think so moszkva ter. I just zoomed in to max and out, and its visible across a range of zooms, but invisible on a few too. So, whatever data lies behind this glitch, is still there: oh, I did it in a fresh browser (ff, I use chrome) so I am pretty confident its not in my browser cache. Is there some way the openstreetmap DB is not synced and you've seen something newer than me?
I zoomed several times, and on high zoom levels its ok. Then I opened the edit mode, and also there it is ok.
Low zoom levels are rendered less often. You can find some reasons for this here in the forum, or in the wiki. Therefore, the low zoom levels still show the old version. That will change in a couple of days or so.
ok. so thanks for the fix mystery editor. And, thanks for the cluebat hit.
So back to the question TITLE: is there a mechanism for people like me who are edit shy, to briefly and quickly flag things for somebody competent to deal with?
the mechanism for permalink and shortlink looks to me highly ameanable for a [report bug] which takes latlong and a simple list of [abused|bad-geo|bad-item|s/w-bug] type choices..