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I've recently got a zero-length way error editing in Potlatch2, so it doesn't allow me to upload the changeset. I've found the error so now i have the corrected Potlatch2 code ( <osmchange version="0.6">...</osmchange> ) and i want to upload it. I've heard that is possible using JOSM, but I've neved used it and when I try to open de XML file (adding <?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?> in the begining) it says "No data found".

Any ideas?

asked 06 Mar '12, 04:05

dintrans_g's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

I've used for this with success.

Don't forget to post a trac ticket if you know how the 0-length way was created, so the Potlatch developers can fix it. :)

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answered 07 Mar '12, 11:05

Richard's gravatar image

Richard ♦
accept rate: 18%

Please see:

It is in Portuguese (use your favorite translator), but the essence is:

  • Click the View Data button in PL2 and copy all the data.
  • Paste it in your favourite text editor, do not forget to use the UTF-8 format.
  • Edit the file correcting the mistakes. Be careful with the XML format and character escaping!
  • Remove all references to the failed changeset from the XML code, in the form of changeset="1234" (Of course "1234" is the ID of your CS and not the number 1234... Take note of your CS#)
  • Save it as myChange.osc (OSMChange) (or whatever name you prefer)
  • Open JOSM and open the .osc file
  • Upload the changes, setting the option of using an existing, open, changeset. Use the Changeset Id you took note before.

That's it, worked a few times for me.

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answered 19 Oct '12, 00:17

MCPicoli's gravatar image

accept rate: 24%

The page on the .osm file format contains links to various tools for handling, importing, exporting osm xml files:

There may also be something useful to you in here:

(I'm searching for something to support "mechanical edits" myself)

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answered 07 Mar '12, 10:08

ViewFromTheBoundary's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

edited 07 Mar '12, 10:31

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question asked: 06 Mar '12, 04:05

question was seen: 7,038 times

last updated: 19 Oct '12, 00:17

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum