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I'm creating a high level static navigation map of the Netherlands from OSM data, extracted via Overpass's Xapi-style interface. At this scale I want to show how people might travel between cities/ countries -- the top level of the transport infrastructure for long distance intercity travel.

The motorway network was really easy to collect and display (from way[highway=motorway]), but I'm getting time-outs pulling the [railway=rail] data back. Rather than increase the time-out and have a huge mass of data, is there any way to restrict the lines to the fast mainline intercity routes?

This works:[highway=motorway][bbox=3.3,50.6,7.3,53.6]

This times out:[railway=rail][bbox=3.3,50.6,7.3,53.6]

(Apologies if this is trivial .. I've browsed to and fro in the documentation and I just can't see the answer!)

PS: I've now loaded a small area of way[railway=rail] data, and it is far too detailed -- every line on every wharf in every port for instance -- so useless for my needs in its present state. Any ideas?

asked 03 Mar '12, 18:18

ViewFromTheBoundary's gravatar image

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edited 03 Mar '12, 21:46

Thinking laterally, I should be able to get a handle on the long (distance) passenger train routes by looking for long passenger trains. Platforms over 300m long are unlikely to be used for local traffic only. Now all that's needed is a way of querying an external train service info provider such as to get average speeds (minimum journey times) between them, ..

If I get anywhere useful with this, I'll come back to see how to store the results in OSM

(04 Mar '12, 08:58) ViewFromTheB...

Solved, I think.

Train routes are stored as relations on the ways, eg the relation with id=1323496 is "Route train 9300 Thalys Paris- Amsterdam". If there are enough of these correctly identified, I can pull out all of the relations which include the texts "Eurostar", "Thalys", "IC" etc, and (manually) add the modifying tag "usage=main" to their ways.

OSM will then have the main routes tagged up, and my XAPI call will be able to pull them out.

(04 Mar '12, 11:12) ViewFromTheB...

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question asked: 03 Mar '12, 18:18

question was seen: 114,019 times

last updated: 05 Mar '12, 19:51

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum