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Most of my area of interest in South Oxfordshire is free from OSM change of licence issues. I do notice in OSM Inspector Licence Change View, though, a number of way nodes highlighted which, when selected, display "layer:wtfe_point_created". Node_id: 2234116, created by User 80n (who is classed as 'Undecided'), is an example. What does it mean, is there any implication and does any action need to be taken? User 80n has had no input in the way, itself.

asked 02 Mar '12, 18:52

silver%20mapper's gravatar image

silver mapper
accept rate: 0%

This means that 80n made the node that includes the coordinates that this way have. After the license change this node will be deleted and the way will then change geometry. If all nodes in a way is deleted in this way then there is not enough information in the licensed data to recreate the geometry of the way.

To prevent any problems with the lisence change you should remap the road with new nodes. You can not use the existing nodes, however you can use the way and all the tags as well as satelite photos of the area.

permanent link

answered 02 Mar '12, 19:53

Gnonthgol's gravatar image

Gnonthgol ♦
accept rate: 16%

Gnonthgol, I accept what you write, but I wonder what circumstance explains one person creating a few nodes coincident with a highway but not the way, itself, in 2007 and the way being created in 2010 as in this case. It does not seem to make any sense.

(02 Mar '12, 20:33) silver mapper

Imagine that mapper A creates a way using 5 nodes called "Upper Street". Mapper B comes along later and notices that half of it is actually called "Lower Street", splits the way in half and labels one half accordingly. The result will be what you're seeing - a newer way consisting of older nodes.

(02 Mar '12, 21:51) SomeoneElse ♦

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question asked: 02 Mar '12, 18:52

question was seen: 3,233 times

last updated: 02 Mar '12, 21:51

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum