The tiles@home server is retired because (quoting message from Sebastian Spaeth on the dev mailing-list): Read the complete message in archives: |
The tiles@home server is retired because it was not used enough to be worth it. If there are enough users that want it back they can set up a new instance of the server. If not then it is retired for good. 1
Another reason is that the original advantage of TAH's architechture has progressively disapeared : mapnik has goten so fast that a single (beefy) server can handle the load, and the TAH configuration has become as complicated as most other solutions.
(01 Mar '12, 23:46)
Vincent de P... ♦
A damn shame, I always used osmarender when contributing. It's important to check different layer to see how the map renders. You'll be sadly missed
(10 Mar '12, 20:14)
Osmarender was really good for displaying alpine ski pistes. I will miss this service :-(
(11 Mar '12, 10:20)