I am slightly confused whether there is much difference between the delivery and destination restriction values. hgv=delivery Only when delivering to the element. tagged hgv=destination Used for ways in designated local traffic areas, where traffic should only enter if its destination is within the area. The difference to me seems rather small or non-existent. Could someone elaborate a bit when does it make a difference ? I am now on the process of tagging roads that have hgv=no, but do allow vehicles that offload in the area to go there. |
Basically, the "delivery" access restriction is mostly designed for goods vehicles or hgv's in downtowns/city centres or service roads. They have specific, legal traffic signs indicating that the parking place or access road is reserved for goods delivery (usually only during a certain time interval e.g. the morning). About your example, I would prefer the hgv=delivery since this tag is usually designed for such hgv's or goods deliveries (and if it is only to unload goods). |