I have done a GPS survey on a few miles of previously unmapped roads. In many parts they are very narrow with some tight turns. No formal passing places - had to reverse into farm gates, etc. Whilst suitable for light goods vehicles (Ford Transit type) and cars, I worry that a heavy goods vehicle would dumbly follow his sat-nav and get stuck! There are no formal signs to show 'No HGV', just common sense. Will HGV=no be picked up by sat-nav, or is another tag preferred? |
There is a tag hgv=no which satnav applications might or might not consider (depending on the application), although that is intended for legal access rights, rather than whether it is physically possible. A better way would be to tag any maxweight/maxwidth/maxlength/etc type signed restrictions, and also add width and lanes tags to the road. This would require the satnav application to know more information about the vehicle using it, but could lead to better overall results. 1
+1 for "max*=" and "width=", which are used by satnavs if you key in the vehicle's characteristics. "hgv=no" is for legal restrictions, and should not be used for technical ones. "lanes=" and "surface=" could probably also be used by satnavs, but I don't know of any satnav that does.
(28 Feb '12, 17:33)
Vincent de P... ♦
Answer appreciated. However there are no restriction signs at any of the exits onto larger roads. There are several signs on nearby roads with a crossed out lorry + sat-nav motif. So locals are aware of problems and I don't want to add to them. If I mark road with width=Xmts that will only be true in the narrowest parts. Also does lanes=1 indicate only ONE lane, not one lane per direction? These lanes have grass down the middle as only a motorbike could put a wheel into the middle of the road.
(28 Feb '12, 17:37)
Not sure what a "crossed out lorry + sat-nav" signpost means, but a "crossed out lorry" signpost can be tagged "hgv=no" in osm. "Width=" is for the narrowest part indeed, but consider splitting the way if the road suddenly narrows or something. "lanes=" indicates total number of lanes, both directions (see wiki).
(28 Feb '12, 19:07)
Vincent de P... ♦
Will use highway=unclassified, lanes=1, source=gps_survey if that seem the best description. The roads serve scattered farms and cottages (highway=residential seems to overstate the local population). "crossed out lorry + satnav" sign is produced by local council, but is not in highway code. Typical example on minor road off A482, grid ref: 52.073888,-4.024429, as seen on google street view.
(28 Feb '12, 20:44)