I browsed the categories at http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Category:En:Key:shop but could not identify the one that matches. |
try shop=furnace Wiki-descripton: http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Tag:shop%3Dfurnace Does it fit to your purpose? 4
"shop=furnace" isn't used for that in English (it is in American, though). The fact that someone has created a wiki stub for a key does not make it a good reason to use it. In English the nearest equivalent would be "heating" or "hvac" (and along with "furnace", none of these have been used in OSM much, though). In English a "furnace" is something that you find in a factory that makes steel, not in a house.
(24 Feb '12, 12:50)
SomeoneElse ♦
Actually, at least someone was making a wiki stub. If you know a better name for it, you can propose it. But so far, it is the only tag that describes this feature. BTW, it is also referred to on the german wiki.
(24 Feb '12, 13:06)
moszkva ter
Well, I'll take shop=furnace since it is already used ... 44 times. However, I think (as a non non native ...) that heating_device, heating_fuels, heating_furniture would be more obvious terms (for non-Americans). In my case, the shop sells heating devices that burn wood. (Feu ouvert, âtre, poele à pellets in Belgian French) Thanks to all.
(24 Feb '12, 16:39)