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Hi, I'm a fairly new user but Im getting frustrated with the map editing because I am getting hit with the "can't load map" errors in potlatch which I understand means that Im blocked because I've "used" too much data... I don't understand how this could be? I did some map editing but it was in a fairly small area and if the limit is really this low I'm not interested in editing maps anymore. I can live without the frustration. So here I am stuck after doing barely 10 minutes of map editing and wanting to do more edits and I cant. This is not the way to attract more people. Thanks.

asked 22 Feb '12, 02:43

Zemartelo's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

edited 22 Feb '12, 09:07

TomH's gravatar image

TomH ♦♦


"can't load the map" can be caused by a variety of issues - networking, when a single request is too big, when the server is overloaded etc. So it's not certain that you're being "blocked".

(22 Feb '12, 08:30) Andy Allan

Note that whatever that is, it's a technical (probably transcient) problem and not a deliberate limitation. I'm not aware of any usage limit imposed on editing, other than big edits which take a while to process server-side.

To mitigate the problem, save your work often and make sure you have a good internet connection. If you can reliably reproduce the problem, tell the potlach developers. But as with any network/load issue, it can be very hard to pin down.

Another solution is to use an offline editor like JOSM or Merkaartor, which are much more resilient to network issues.

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answered 22 Feb '12, 10:04

Vincent%20de%20Phily's gravatar image

Vincent de P... ♦
accept rate: 19%

+1 for offline editors

(22 Feb '12, 14:47) LM_1

If the API is squawking, as is the case here, it makes no difference whether you use an online or offline editor. They make the same API calls.

(22 Feb '12, 16:46) Richard ♦

Yes, but it seems JOSM (I do not know merkaartor much) has less issues with retrying later. It can also commit in smaller chunks and handle still-open changesets (maybe Potlach2 does that too ?). You can save your work for later. And you usually use less bandwidth, because it doesn't auto-download osm data.

(22 Feb '12, 18:11) Vincent de P... ♦

I had the same annoying problem when I began. The problem is still there, but I learned how to live with it.

Small changesets might help:

If you have several small edits in a bigger area, make one edit, save, exit from podlatch, pan the map to the new location and start editing again. This way, you can do more edits before you recieve the can't-load-error.

It is still frustrating, though, when you have to leave unfinished work behind, so I can understand your anger. But please, don't give up.

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answered 22 Feb '12, 06:09

moszkva%20ter's gravatar image

moszkva ter
accept rate: 17%

Have you zoomed in to the max before starting potlach2 this will minimise the download and work quickest. I know that its necessary to go out a bit to get a bigger view sometimes but start zoomed right in.

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answered 23 Feb '12, 11:35

andy%20mackey's gravatar image

andy mackey
accept rate: 4%

low traffic times of day will also help along with faster BB connections of course

(23 Feb '12, 11:39) andy mackey

Potlatch 2 currently does not cache area downloads so that if you move the viewport during editing it will triger a full download. If you change the viewport regularly this may cause you to be blocked for the many requests you are doing. This is currently being worked on and patches are welcome.

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answered 22 Feb '12, 04:27

Gnonthgol's gravatar image

Gnonthgol ♦
accept rate: 16%


This is incorrect - it has only been fetching newly visible areas for several months now.

(22 Feb '12, 09:06) TomH ♦♦

Indeed. Strictly speaking P2 has always cached downloads. The most recent change, as Tom says, is that it now asks for (up to 3) separate 'edges' in cases of overlapping viewport, rather than the entire new viewport.

(22 Feb '12, 16:47) Richard ♦

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question asked: 22 Feb '12, 02:43

question was seen: 4,180 times

last updated: 23 Feb '12, 11:39

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