I have adjusted the administrative boundaries of my home town to the exact location as specified in the 'Bauleitplan'. This boundary is definied by a series of peaks it travels through. I added a 'natural=peak' for these points, but at zoom level 11 the peaks don't show up (at level 12 they do). Is it necessary for zoom level 11 that the peaks are stand-alone points? is it because the administrative boundary is not shown at that level that also these points are hidden? The region in question is the following: http://www.openstreetmap.org/?lat=46.903&lon=11.67&zoom=11&layers=M |
Mapnik might take some time updating at higher zoom levels. In this case it took almost 2 hours. Just be patient and if nothing has rendered within a day then it might not get rendered at all because of the rendering rules. |
Apparently, the problem has solved itself... maybe it was necessary someone else than me loaded the page... I dunno.