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Let's imagine that I've added tag A to way X and tag B to way Y. I then decide that I want to upload only the second of these changes. How do I do this?

asked 17 Feb '12, 14:12

SomeoneElse's gravatar image

SomeoneElse ♦
accept rate: 16%

closed 22 Oct '15, 09:27

SimonPoole's gravatar image

SimonPoole ♦

You can only undo the last command(s). In this case, you could select way Y and click "File > Upload selection".

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answered 17 Feb '12, 19:41

bastik's gravatar image

accept rate: 41%

If I select way Y and click "File > Upload selection" what seems to happen is that:

o The change to way Y (and not way X) is uploaded

o All commands disappear from the command stack.

o The other changes have been made to the data layer, but not to OSM, so when you exit JOSM you'll get a warning. When you do an "upload data" it does upload the rest.

Unfortunately it appears that you can only select one item at once on JOSM's command stack. You can, however, select more than one item at once on the map. is an example of me selecting 2 items of 3 changes on the map and uploading them, and then discarding the one remaining change to the data layer when exiting JOSM.

(28 Feb '12, 01:01) SomeoneElse ♦

I'm not aware of a programm where you can undo steps in between. You always need to undo the last step before you undo the penultimate step, because the last step could have an effect on the penultimate step.

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answered 20 Oct '15, 15:52

Klumbumbus's gravatar image

accept rate: 8%

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question asked: 17 Feb '12, 14:12

question was seen: 5,215 times

last updated: 22 Oct '15, 21:12

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum