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Is there a way to find out the source of a location? I am interested to know the source of a place "A monument" placed on the Map. I would like to know who placed it on the map and if place/location is correct and documented. Now if true and can be proved, who is the person/identity placing it and how can I contact him/her? I appreciate any comments or answers.

Thanking you in advance,


asked 16 Feb '12, 13:42

IElia's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

OK, worked example using the war memorial here.

  • Click the + in the top right of the map area, then tick next to Data.

  • Click on the green dot marking the memorial; brief details are available on the left.

  • Click "Details" next to the node number in the left hand panel - this will show details about who edited it most recently

  • Click "view history" to see all versions, and in particular who added the original version.

On either the "Details" or the "view history" screens you can click on the username next to "Edited by" to get to that user's profile page, and the first option on that page under the username is "Send message" which will allow you to send them a message.

permanent link

answered 16 Feb '12, 13:53

EdLoach's gravatar image

EdLoach ♦
accept rate: 22%


Dear Mr. Ed Loach, You help/answer is very helpful, clear and to the point. My question is ANSWERED. Thank you very much.

(16 Feb '12, 14:01) IElia

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question asked: 16 Feb '12, 13:42

question was seen: 3,245 times

last updated: 16 Feb '12, 14:34

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum