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How to tag the vehicles that fit in the parking place?

A bus or truck needs significantly more space for both standing and manoeuvring compared to a passenger car.
If there is no established way, is there some proposal?

asked 10 Feb '12, 23:29

LM_1's gravatar image

accept rate: 10%

edited 12 Feb '12, 16:57

In the early days one would have just said "add hgv=yes, bus=yes". There's actually 2233 objects tagged with both "amenity=parking" and "hgv=*", so I'd suggest using that.

Some are using Proposed_features/parking:lane syntax also for areas. If the area is only allowed for buses and hgv's, that would be parking:condition:area:vehicles=hgv;bus or parking:condition:vehicles=hgv;bus

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answered 13 Feb '12, 11:18

alv's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

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answered 11 Feb '12, 00:53

gnurk's gravatar image

accept rate: 15%

I have seen that, but it does not look very active...
Thanks anyway.

(12 Feb '12, 16:59) LM_1

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question asked: 10 Feb '12, 23:29

question was seen: 5,797 times

last updated: 13 Feb '12, 11:18

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum