Hi, I want to read some POIs from text file, so I looked at Openlayers example how to do it and its great. But now I need to add new POI manually (when user clicks on the map). It can be done with map.addMarker and it works great, but this marker is different from one I get from text file. Marker from text file has a popup when I click on it, with description. But I cant find any way how to add new marker with description to map. So how can I do this? I load POIs like this:
Content of poi.txt:
And I add new marker after click like this:
The question has been closed for the following reason "This is not an OpenLayers help site and your question is not about anything OSM-specific." by Frederik Ramm 20 Dec '12, 12:30
This is not an OpenLayers help system and especially not a coding site. You will probably get more help from an OpenLayers forum or OpenLayers mailing list. |