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Barrier:hedge does not explicitly cover this type of barrier!

A line of trees is a common natural boundary.

So how should it be mapped?

asked 05 Feb '12, 11:51

dcp's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%


Is the row of trees impassable? If no, then it is not a barrier, but something else.

(05 Feb '12, 13:23) moszkva ter

This I don't know! Bing imagery! This leads to two questions: How do we map a line of trees that is not a barrier? - natural:tree is meant to used for special trees How do we map a barrier comprising a line of trees?

(05 Feb '12, 15:35) dcp

Go and have a look. Surveying is important. If you just create a map based on Bing imagery, why not just use Bing imagery?

If it really is a barrier of plants (like trees) I'd call it a hedge.

(07 Feb '12, 12:10) ChrisH

A line of trees is mapped as a way with the natural=tree_row tag.

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answered 05 Feb '12, 15:56

Tordanik's gravatar image

accept rate: 35%

How is natural=tree_row modelled on OSM various layers?

(05 Feb '12, 16:57) Meersbrook

This still leaves the barrier issue open. A hedge is a barrier that is usual pruned but a line of trees that act as a barrier is not. Such trees could of course also be wild bushes.

(05 Feb '12, 17:20) dcp

@dcp a line of tree that doesn't keep you going through (and most tree_rows wouldn't) it neither a hedge nor a barrier.

(21 Aug '12, 22:17) Circeus

Just make sure you draw your line from left to right as with natural=cliff else your trees in the polyline may be upside down

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answered 05 Feb '12, 21:19

wilpin's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

edited 20 Aug '12, 17:51

SomeoneElse's gravatar image

SomeoneElse ♦


I'm not aware of any left-to-right convention for tree rows.

With cliffs, the convention is necessary because they have "upper" and "lower" sides in the real world. No comparable asymmetry exists with trees.

(06 Feb '12, 06:47) Tordanik

Yes there is. I suggest you try this yourself

(06 Feb '12, 21:45) wilpin

Yes, L to R convention applies and as with natural=cliff, the Oregon displays exactly the opposite of what OSM shows! So if you want your GPS to show things correctly, OSM should be the opposite.

(07 Feb '12, 20:10) wilda69

That'd be a bug in the software / method that was used to convert the data to Garmin format, wouldn't it? Do you have a specific example?

(20 Aug '12, 17:51) SomeoneElse ♦

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question asked: 05 Feb '12, 11:51

question was seen: 7,751 times

last updated: 21 Aug '12, 22:17

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum