The wiki mentions "/status" or "/dirty" tile directives: Which software serves these commands ? I searched in the source codes of the OSM Rails port and mod_tile, without finding anything. If someone can help me, thanks in advance! |
It's right there in mod_tile.c, in the tile_translate function. Is there perhaps a little more to it than that? If I follow this book I get a working tile server, but /dirty and /status aren't recognised as they are by In mod_tile.c I can see various references to "dirty" and "status" but nothing that describes how those commands get to mod_tile from Apache via renderd.
(01 Feb '12, 22:26)
SomeoneElse ♦
It is possible that there's something broken it the latest mod_tile. Checking out r26346 might work.
(02 Feb '12, 07:28)
Frederik Ramm ♦
I just checked in a fix into SVN for this. Thanks for reporting the bug.
(02 Feb '12, 07:53)
Thanks - the latest svn version (and ./;./configure;make;sudo make install;sudo make install-mod_tile;sudo ldconfig) works
(16 Feb '12, 23:12)
SomeoneElse ♦