How change the streets names language? The streets names are in language in which is view zoomed. e.g. Armenia-Yerevan, streets names are in Armenian, but I need in Enlish. Is it possible? |
Most straightforward option is to use toolserver's locale-specific maps which shows the english labels if available (just edit the link if you want a different language). Of course this only works if the object has a "name:en" tag; otherwise the local-language "name" tag will be used. Thank, you soo much, it that link hasn't possibilities to export to pdf.
(30 Jan '12, 13:44)
Also can someone help me with any link, where it is possible to export the map, in that time that the map streets names will be in English. Thanks, in advance.
(30 Jan '12, 13:53)
Alt-printscreen* in the browser window and then paste that into a document?
(30 Jan '12, 15:04)
SomeoneElse ♦
More information and links to different map outputs can be found at The way the tagging of names works, is documented at
(18 Jan '13, 15:35)
Harry Wood
If you only need a map for a smaller area, then MapOSMatic seems to do what you want. |
I always put and encourage the English names to be used in "name", if a tag is in a non English speaking country, add the local name with the local language tag. This is tricky though, some English names aren't appropriate if a place has no English name but Welsh locations should be in English for example. eg SHEFFIELD: name=Sheffield name:fa=شفیلد name:ja=シェフィールド Amongst many others. That means the default English interface OSM always shows in English but with can show the local name when the local language is selected. I wouldn't advise changing the name of Lyon which in American is spelt with an S at the end. 4
Bad suggestion. The "name" tag is only for the local language ( This may become tricky for places which have multiple local languages, but this is an issue solved on a case-by-case basis by the local mapper. "name:xx" tags are easy in comparison: just add as many as you can. English does not have a special status in OSM. The default OSM rendering is not (for better or worse) an "English" rendering but a local rendering. Defaulting to english in the name tag would be, in a way, tagging for the renderer.
(05 Feb '12, 23:23)
Vincent de P... ♦
Can someone help me to find the link, where is the map like, and where there is possibilities to export area as pdf, also in that time it will have English support for the street names.
Thanks, in advance.