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Problem: I am going to ski, I need:

  • working android application for navigation on the slope (displaying map and current position would do, routing not necesary), should be able to record traces (for later mapping) and speeds (for bragging) :)
  • windows application to review the data (JOSM with pre-downloaded maps will probably do, alternatives welcome)
  • it should all work offline

Thanks for tips

asked 26 Jan '12, 23:36

LM_1's gravatar image

accept rate: 10%

I am going to ski next week... at the Alpe d'Huez, France.

  • I have Maverick pro installed on my Android smartphone
  • I installed and used MOBAC (MObile Atlac Creator available at on my PC
  • I selected Osmarender with tiles up to zoom level 15 (level 16 would be luxury). At this level I can read the names of the slopes!
  • I then created the atlas for the Maverick format (a folder tree structure of folders named from 0 to 15 with, about 965 tiles in 95 folders, 9MB, for the Alpe d'Huez area)
  • I connected the smartphone to the PC and mounted it as drive G: (first letter available to me)
  • I just copied the folders from the MOBAC folder to G:\maverick\tiles\osmarender
  • I am now ready to ski offline
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answered 29 Jan '12, 14:49

gerdami's gravatar image

accept rate: 15%

edited 29 Jan '12, 16:57

I have OruxMaps as well. The download of map tiles for offline usage can be done directly with the smartphone.

(29 Jan '12, 15:18) gerdami

Back from ski. I confirm that OruxMaps with Osmarender and zoom level 15 is great and accurate.

(19 Feb '12, 19:41) gerdami

I used maverick and it worked perfectly.

(20 Feb '12, 11:34) LM_1

I just discovered that MOBAC is flagged as an application resulting in heavy traffic for the OSM tile servers and is likely to be blocked. Sorry.

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answered 29 Jan '12, 17:28

gerdami's gravatar image

accept rate: 15% works well in GB countryside as long as you scroll and cache the map at all zoom levels while in wireless range for later use.I would think it should work fine for skiing as long as the area is mapped in enough detail. is also needed to fix position. GPSutility will run under windows to review the tracks, all the above have free or trial versions.

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answered 30 Jan '12, 07:43

andy%20mackey's gravatar image

andy mackey
accept rate: 4%

edited 30 Jan '12, 07:55

Osmand has abilities to display special winter vector maps and even SRMT data as vector maps.

Have a deeper look on Osmand's project page, its wiki and the mailing list there for detailed information about that.

Download it from Android market, or for free unlimited the nightly developers edition from the google code project page.

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answered 30 Jan '12, 18:15

stephan75's gravatar image

accept rate: 6%

What do you mean with "special winter vector maps" ?

(20 Feb '12, 12:17) gerdami

Look for Osmand-ski plugin. Completely offline, pistes updated daily. Yves

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answered 09 Feb '13, 08:28

yvecai's gravatar image

accept rate: 9%

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question asked: 26 Jan '12, 23:36

question was seen: 6,035 times

last updated: 09 Feb '13, 08:28

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum