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I am seeing consistently incorrect values for city and county being returned by reverse geo-code. I am a bit surprised since all of the locations I'm working with right now are in the Dallas, TX, US area so I would think the data should be accurate. The errors are not a matter of adjoining borders. In many cases, the returned city is 10s of miles away from the location. In some cases the city is correct but the county is wrong even on citys that do not cross county lines. The errors almost appear random at times.

I'd pursue correcting the data but the number of invalid data elements is running at about 25% so manually fixing them is out of the question and I currently have no desire to automate the correction.

Any suggestions?


asked 25 Jan '12, 14:58

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@1OldGeek Which Geocoding tool are you using for OSM? OpenNames? Nomination?

(25 Jan '12, 17:23) jwernerny

@1OldGeek And in addition, would you provide links or references about the data being reverse geo-coded badly, so the community can look into the error?

(25 Jan '12, 17:27) prabhasp

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question asked: 25 Jan '12, 14:58

question was seen: 3,469 times

last updated: 25 Jan '12, 17:27

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum