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I'm trying to use an iPhone app for transit planning. The app uses OpenStreetMap, (surprise,) at the moment, the app/OSM does not seem to recognize an existing subway (railway) stop.

Specifically, in Chicago, IL USA, the Blue Line subway has a stop at Irving Park. The map shows a "platform" at that location rather than a station for a subway line.

I haven't done any editing before, and I am not understanding how I would go about either, eliminating the "platform" and replacing it with a station/stop, or adding a station/stop on top of the existing platform.

asked 05 Oct '10, 18:47

Wes%20M's gravatar image

Wes M
accept rate: 0%

If you haven't done so already, create an OpenStreetMap account using the link at the top right of, then log in.

Navigate to Irving Park on the map, then zoom right in, so that you can see the relevant bit of subway and not much else. Then hit 'Edit'.

The online editor, Potlatch, will load. When the splash screen appears, hit 'Edit with save'.

You'll see a wireframe-ish view of the map. You'll probably find that the subway is a black line. At Irving Park, you should find a black node (point). The black indicates that the node is 'tagged' - in other words, that it has some attributes to say what it is.

Click the node, and the tags will appear in the panel at the bottom. You want to change it from the tags for 'platform' to the tags for 'station'. In this case you can probably just replace the word 'platform' with 'station', but if you want to know exactly what tags are commonly used for this and a million other things, see the Map Features page on OSM's wiki.

Finally, deselect the point (by clicking elsewhere on the map), then click 'Save' at the bottom right. Enter a brief comment explaining what you've done.

Your change will be saved, and should be visible on the map in an hour or so (subject to caching).


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answered 06 Oct '10, 08:46

Richard's gravatar image

Richard ♦
accept rate: 18%

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question asked: 05 Oct '10, 18:47

question was seen: 6,514 times

last updated: 06 Oct '10, 08:46

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum