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Just checked Waze out, and was quite impressed by the client software.. And that was it really. Since Waze doesn't use OSM mapdata, Waze is uninteresting for me.

Anyway, even before I knew about OSM, Waze and others, I dreamt of a simple app for most mobiles, simple as possible with features like:

Draw new road as you go Simple buttons for recording speed limits, street numbers Realtime sharing of congestion, accidents, police controls etc.

OSM mapdata is starting to be usable, but where are all the simple mobile apps for OSM, making it at "live" traffic community. I need an app that makes me want to turn it on whenever I get in the car, either for driving instructions based on live data, og mapping of new roads.


asked 04 Oct '10, 12:21

bortevekk's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

edited 28 Sep '16, 14:50

Kozuch's gravatar image



There is no single app that does what you want. However, you'll find a few relevant ones. For example, Mapzen POI Collector lets you add points of interest to OSM while on the move; Skobbler provides turn-by-turn directions; OSM2go offers editing from mobile devices.

Whereas Waze is a commercial company, OSM is an entirely voluntary endeavour. Consequently, OSM doesn't have a core development budget to fund flashy mobile editing software such as Waze's client, and apps are written because the developers want to. On occasion, though, a company will help fund development of an editing app in order to increase OSM's appeal.

On the specific point of traffic data (congestion, police vans, etc.) this is expressly not stored in OSM at present. OSM stores durable data, not transitory data. In theory you could of course create a 'mashup' on top of OSM data, but Waze have understandably said that OSM's current licence means they're not keen to use OSM data for this.

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answered 04 Oct '10, 17:26

Richard's gravatar image

Richard ♦
accept rate: 18%

As the Waze client is open source (GLP2) it would be possible to create a fork that works on OSM data and sends tracks to OSM.

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answered 13 Nov '11, 22:35

liftarn's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

edited 13 Nov '11, 22:35

where can i get the source code for the client?

(18 Apr '12, 04:03) cuibono

There: . Note that it became proprietary since v3.x.

(27 Sep '12, 19:59) Piglop

There is also a good explanation of differences between Waze and OSM here:

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answered 05 Nov '10, 15:44

magicfab's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

Telenav Scout does a lot of what Waze does on the consumer end.

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answered 25 Sep '14, 20:29

Baloo%20Uriza's gravatar image

Baloo Uriza
accept rate: 9%

The question is four years old.

(25 Sep '14, 22:44) SimonPoole ♦

With no accepted answer.

(26 Sep '14, 11:21) Baloo Uriza

Which is not going to change. gerdami fixed a typo in the original question, that is the sole reason why it surfaced from the deep. Given that essentially no questions have accepted answers it seems to be a particularly bad reason to churn through long irrelevant questions again and again.

(26 Sep '14, 11:46) SimonPoole ♦

I know this is a really old post and all, but just in case: is doing a great job, and it looks like the MVP app using OSM right now!

PS: "Scout GPS" is also REALLY great at it, with a better UX than!

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answered 20 Apr '18, 14:05

Thanaen's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

edited 04 May '18, 12:59


What is MVP?

(20 Apr '18, 18:33) kocio

Usually means "Most valuable player"! The best one!

(04 May '18, 12:59) Thanaen

Though in software development MVP means "minimum viable product", i.e. the lowest-featured earliest version software you would risk showing to a user. "A good start", but not fully featured.

(15 Aug '18, 12:48) spiregrain

As the Waze client is open source (GLP2) how it is possible to create a fork that works on OSM data ??

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answered 15 Aug '18, 09:44

marcpia's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

a) it is a rather old version of the client b) recreating all the rest of the Waze stack would be the real work

(15 Aug '18, 13:58) SimonPoole ♦

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question asked: 04 Oct '10, 12:21

question was seen: 20,397 times

last updated: 15 Aug '18, 13:58

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