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I just bought a Montana 600 to use on motorcycle trip through S and C America. I have tried loading OSM sourced .img files into the unit but it does not seem to recognize the files, even though I can see them in its RAM and also on the SD Card. The process seems simple: download the .img file, copy it onto SD card into the Garmin folder, insert SD card into unit, go to units enable/disable page and enable it, go back to map and it should appear. What am I missing? Can anyone confirm that the converted .img files are useable on the Montana.

Also the "import map" menu command in BaseCamp is greyed out and I can't see how to load same .img files into the application.

Help would be greatly appreciated. PT

asked 20 Jan '12, 07:49

pturje's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

edited 29 Sep '13, 13:35

aseerel4c26's gravatar image

aseerel4c26 ♦

I appreciate that this answer is only one step up from 'have you switched it on', but are you aware that map files on Garmin devices have to be in a folder called 'Garmin'? Thus on my PC, where the card reader maps as drive E:, a valid Garmin map file name would be something like "E:\Garmin\Austria.img".

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answered 20 Jan '12, 17:42

Madryn's gravatar image

accept rate: 13%

edited 20 Jan '12, 17:49


Hah, nicely put. Yes, I neglected to mention that I was indeed putting the file into a folder called Garmin.

I have just solved my problem, however. It appears that the custom Lambertus map that I generated did not appear in my GPS because it did not have an embedded name so therefore did not appear on my "enable/disable" screen (I think this is what happened). And being stubborn (perhaps stupid is more like it) I kept trying the same procedure expecting different results. I then finally decided to try a different approach and downloaded a preconfigured file and voila, it appeared on my device and worked perfectly. Thanks for taking the time to respond. pt

(20 Jan '12, 21:20) pturje

That'd be a valid Garmin map file name on newer Garmin devices (such as the questioner's Montana) but not on older ones such as the eTrex Legend / Vista etc. - there you'd use "GMAPSUPP.IMG"

(21 Jan '12, 01:08) SomeoneElse ♦

If you face this problem in the future, you can use JaVaWa Device Manager to change the embedded map name.

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answered 30 Sep '13, 06:48

rovingmedic's gravatar image

accept rate: 5%

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question asked: 20 Jan '12, 07:49

question was seen: 15,586 times

last updated: 30 Sep '13, 08:55

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum