The name of the business is Edgmont Country Club AKA Edgmont Golf Club. It is correct on bing and google and mapguest but not on openstreet I've tried to correct it, but there is no icon for golf course. I did do the edit several days ago and it did not show up. |
I'm guessing that this is the node that you added. If so, it's not showing as a golf course because it's not labelled as one. There is a tag "leisure=golf_course" that does this. As you note above there's isn't an icon available to add to nodes to label them as golf courses. However, if you were to draw a way around a golf course and then label it you'd see "golf course" available under sport and leisure. You don't need to do this, though, because someone's already mapped the golf course here - they've just misspelt the name. So if you edit your node by clicking here, zoom in a bit to make it easier to see what you're doing, delete it, and then move up a bit towards West Chester Pike, you can see the green outline of the golf course. Click that, and you can correct the spelling. |
Thank you for reporting this error. OpenStreetMap is a world-wide collaboration project where everyone can add their knowledge to the common database. You, too, can become a contributor, and fix this problem (as well as any others you might find) yourself. After you have submitted the change, it will become visible on the map at almost immediately. Read our Beginner's guide and get started today! If you feel that direct contribution is too cumbersome for you, there's an alternative called OpenStreetBugs where you can click on a specific location and enter a bug report for that place, without having to sign up and without actually editing the map - OSM contributors will see your report and fix the map in due course. This particular help site is intended to find answers to common questions, with the hope of it becoming a work of reference for those using and contributing to OSM; questions about particular data items in OSM are not suitable for this site. There is no icon for golf course. So the instructions do not help me. I did do the edit several days ago and it did not show up.
(20 Jan '12, 11:42)
Edgmont Coun...