How do I add the name for Temple Cowley Pools and Fitness Centre in Temple Road Cowley Oxford? City council wants to destroy it against public wishes. We must keep it and keep it visible! |
The swimming pool was already mapped as a node. After your similar question on #osm IRC channel I upgraded this to a building tagged leisure=sports_centre (plus existing tags off the node, which was included as a node in the new building). I've refreshed a couple of tiles so you can see the result at this zoom level at least; you may have older tiles cached locally if you can't see it though. Thank you for doing this. I can now see it at zoom level, though it immediately disappears otherwise even though Cowley Library words remain. Sorry to be pedantic but it should really be Temple Cowley Pools and Fitness Centre in as large writing as possible so that people who are new to area can see that there are many reasons to visit, gym, sauna & steam rooms, exercise class rooms, social space. Again, Thank you for doing what you have done.
(19 Jan '12, 15:54)
I think then that you have tiles cached locally from before the change, as the writing remains visible for as long as Cowley library for me. There is no simple way to change the writing style as it would affect all swimming pools/leisure centres/whatever is affected by the relevant style. The data in the database doesn't specify such details, and every person who uses the data might make different things appear differently. The default view (that we currently call Mapnik) is just one example. If you click the + in the top right you can select a few other examples of many.
(19 Jan '12, 16:10)
EdLoach ♦