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I've scoured the forums and cannot find the answer to this: How do I add a dedicated turn lane to a roadway? TIGER mapped the major roadway, and I have updated it to say lanes=2; however, there are various points at which a 3rd lane appears - and it is dedicated to a left or right turn at the next intersection. How do I link these into the roadways and map them properly?

asked 17 Jan '12, 22:44

sir_travels_too_much's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

Find a junction of a similar type that as been mapped already, then open your editor and inspect what they have done.Then exit without saving. To add a lane or slip road is the same procedure of creating a node and drawing a way from that point. ask again if not sure. The editing videos are very good have a look at those too.

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answered 17 Jan '12, 23:00

andy%20mackey's gravatar image

andy mackey
accept rate: 4%

edited 17 Jan '12, 23:18

There are multiple proposals on this on wiki. I would suggest to read the proposals on wiki, choose one, help it get better (approved) and use it. Apparently there is no clear straightforward way to do this.
I will not be any more specific, since I have not decided for any of them yet.

The lane proposals (there might be more):

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answered 17 Jan '12, 23:27

LM_1's gravatar image

accept rate: 10%

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question asked: 17 Jan '12, 22:44

question was seen: 5,239 times

last updated: 17 Jan '12, 23:27

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum