I want to download a big area as an .osm file using filters. For example, I want to download France without roads because I don't need them, and I want a smaller file. Is it possible? asked 30 Oct '11, 10:28 Corentin Jonathan Ben... |
You probably want to use somthing like XAPI or Overpass. However for big conuntry extracts you have GeoFabrik and CloudMade that uses the PBF binary format that is smaller then crompressed XML files. answered 30 Oct '11, 11:42 Gnonthgol ♦ 1
... and once you've got data from e.g. GeoFabrik you can then use something like http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Osmfilter to either extract what you want or delete what you don't want. France is quite large, so maybe a smaller area might be what you're looking for - http://download.geofabrik.de/osm/europe/france/ ?
(31 Oct '11, 13:29)
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