I recently added a way to OSM, unfortunately both Navit and openrouteservice fail to use it for navigation - it is completely ignored as can bee seen here. The question is obvious - where is the mistake? Edit: As of today the data being used by openrouteservice is newer than the street, still the street is completely ignored. Is it possible that the bollard in the middle prevents even pedestrian routing? I mainly want to know if there is some error in my tagging or bug in the router. Edit2: It is working now in openrouteservice, Navit still avoids that street. |
I do some work on the Navit project, so I can speak to your problem with Navit:
If you still, can't get it to work, it might be a bug :-). Post a bug report on the Navit trac: http://trac.navit-project.org/ 2
Once you solve the above two points (is it in the map, pedestrian/car use), you may still find the street is not used because it is not the "fastest" route. When routing, Navit calculates a "time" to travel that road based on the road type (e.g.
(28 Jun '11, 14:29)
The street is visible there and I have selected pedestrian as vehicle...
(29 Jun '11, 07:38)
In the top right corner of OpenRouteService you notice the date of the data used for routing. Currantly it sais OSM-Data for Routing: 20.05.11. This means that the data they currantly use for calculating routes is updated over a month ago. They might have problems with their service. If I understand it correctly the routing algorithm uses different data than displayed? Is that the case with http://maps9.navit-project.org/ as well?
(27 Jun '11, 23:51)
For a bit of the technical background to OpenRouteService, have a read of http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/OpenRouteService - that says more about what happens to the data between you adding it to OSM and being able to route using it.
(28 Jun '11, 01:16)
SomeoneElse ♦
Often (but not in your case) a common reason for routing not working properly is that roads haven't been joined up properly. The picture attached to the top answer to this help question shows the problem - if a router thinks that roads don't join then it won't route you from one to the other. |
related question and answers http://help.openstreetmap.org/questions/102/i-have-made-edits-but-they-dont-show-up-on-the-map |
This looks like the road for info - http://www.openstreetmap.org/?lat=49.200159&lon=16.575967&zoom=18&layers=M
And this is the detail info for the road: http://www.openstreetmap.org/browse/way/118852654