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When editing frequently in a certain area, I am interested in what my fellow editors are doing in this specific area. Unfortunaetly, the changelog (history) shows also the edits within a "big" area and it is sometimes hard to find the local edits. So how do you display only the local edits for the displayed area in the changelog? How can you eclude "big" edits?

asked 22 Mar '11, 13:08

ALE's gravatar image

accept rate: 14%

Filtering out the 'big' entries on the 'history' tab is a commonly requested feature. At the moment you can't.

Current solutions you can try are:

  • ITO Map now lets you pick a layer highlighting recent edits in the last 7 or 90 days. You can also get a permalink to it.
  • ITO's OSM Mapper. 'Subscribe' to create an account there. Create an 'area'. Put it in 'users' display mode, then sort the users in the right hand table by 'total' edits, for a colourful view of who's edited what (and who's edited most) in your area. You can do a similar coloured view of edits over time.
  • OWL OpenStreetMap WatchList, which shows changes in tiled data areas or an arbitrary bounding box, and does not include changes which span either side of the area, unless they touch objects in the area of interest.

It's now one of the Top Ten Tasks to try to tackle this, but as a matter of fact, when I added the 'big' label on the history display, it was my intention to prompt people in the direction of disallowing big edits, but for some reason everyone just talks about how to not display them.

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answered 22 Mar '11, 13:29

Harry%20Wood's gravatar image

Harry Wood
accept rate: 14%

edited 26 Dec '11, 02:24

emj's gravatar image



I've made some changes to this answer to reflect options in Dec 2011

(17 Dec '11, 12:19) Harry Wood

Both ITO Map and OWL seem to be defunct as of August 2016.

(28 Aug '16, 10:46) nicky0

Answers to how-do-i-see-the-history-for-my-area cover most of the ground. However, the basic answer is OWL. Used with the Atom feed this really simplifies keeping an eye on a given area.

Some people have also created twitter feeds for specific areas such as East Yorkshire and the area of Japan affected by the recent earthquake and tsunami. I don't know if they used OWL or not.

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answered 22 Mar '11, 13:33

SK53's gravatar image

SK53 ♦
accept rate: 22%

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question asked: 22 Mar '11, 13:08

question was seen: 10,496 times

last updated: 28 Aug '16, 10:46

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum