I want to print a big citymap that I can take with me. How do I get the images of a large area? |
Render on your own. Only do if you know what you are doing and need e.g. to customize your maps.
If you decide you want to customize or render things on your own, also have a look at the related question "How do I render Maps for my own website".
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This answer is marked "community wiki".
map2image is another great option http://maps.stamen.com/m2i/#toner/768:512/12/37.7749/-122.4347
(13 Dec '12, 15:37)
One other option: Maperitive It can produce both bitmaps, SVGs and web tiles from OSM XML files (and/or web tiles, for that matter). An example of Berlin rendered using simple wireframe rules: Click here for a larger images: http://www.flickr.com/photos/breki74/4446075390/sizes/l/in/photostream/ More on exporting: |
There's also Static map images. It lets you pick a location, image size, and place markers on the map. Then export it as a single image. Works great for making desktop wallpapers. |