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I need to convert the "osm data" into "shape files" to work in our application for routing purpose. I have found my servers having shape files data available for download, and there are also converter available for converting osm data into shape files. My question is that for routing algorithms on shape files to work, it is important that a road should be divided into multiple parts/roads at point of intersection, if any road is intersecting it. but this important aspect is ignored in the converters or converted shape files I have seen so far. Can some one please explain that is there any converter available for converting osm data into shape files that are suitable for routing?


This question is marked "community wiki".

asked 31 Dec '10, 11:19

Asif%20Mushtaq's gravatar image

Asif Mushtaq
accept rate: 0%

Hello, I am facing the same problem. Have you found a solution? Thanks.

(23 Oct '13, 07:28) hua zhang

maybe you can do a search or ask once more at about this specual question.

(23 Oct '13, 18:42) stephan75

There is no such converter but it would not be too difficult to enhance any of the existing converters to do this - you would have to find out which nodes are used by more than one road in a first pass, and then in a second pass split the ways accordingly when writing shape files.

However, those "routable shapefiles" are a work-around anyway because the shapefile format does not support topology. You would probably get better results if you managed to import OSM data directly into your application, rather than using shape files.

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answered 31 Dec '10, 17:19

Frederik%20Ramm's gravatar image

Frederik Ramm ♦
accept rate: 23%

Have you tried spatialite for this purpose? spatialite has a separate tool to import the osm data into it which then can be exported to shapefile. the document here describes the whole procedure of it.


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This answer is marked "community wiki".

answered 03 Jan '11, 05:26

Hamad's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

edited 03 Jan '11, 05:31

Si il EST possible de Convertir un fichier .osm en .shp en utilisant ogr2ogr. Ecrivez-moi un mail de rappel à petit Je mettrai la procédure en ligne.

Bon courage!

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answered 19 Sep '14, 01:22

bnsig's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%


I think is better to save the map as .mp file then export it to shape file

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answered 03 Jan '14, 10:56

tanask's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

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question asked: 31 Dec '10, 11:19

question was seen: 17,662 times

last updated: 19 Sep '14, 01:22

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