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In the Potlatch online web editor there are lots of buttons and fields for information about phone number, website, alternate names, references and so on that never show up on the map, or can be retrieved in another way by clicking on the map.

Why do you make users collect all this information if you do not use it?

This question is marked "community wiki".

asked 09 Aug '12, 12:33

Guttorm%20Flatab%C3%B8's gravatar image

Guttorm Flatabø
accept rate: 0%


Because OpenStreetMap is much, much more than the map on! In fact, one could argue that the map is merely a tool to motivate and help OpenStreetMap (OSM) mappers to collect geographical information. While making a visual street map (similar to for example Google Maps) is one of the things the OpenStreetMap community does, I'd say the primary purpose is to create a free and open repository of geographical information so that others can make street maps and all other imaginable and unimaginable maps and geo-services.

So, while you cannot see all the details you enter on the OpenStreetMap map itself, you'll find speed cameras and fuel stations with opening hours and contact information in mobile apps such as OsmAnd and Mapdroyd, information about wheelchair access on, hiking information on Waymarked Trails (including website information) and (only Norway), cycle parking with dedicated cycle apps (example only for Britain), and so on and so forth. You can also make your own map where you use the information important to you. On the wiki we have a list of services based on OSM, and software that can use OpenStreetMap data.

Oh, and you can see all the information you have provided on the OpenStreetMap map! Just zoom in so you can see the details of an area, click on the triangle right of "Edit", and choose "Browse Map Data".

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This answer is marked "community wiki".

answered 09 Aug '12, 12:34

Guttorm%20Flatab%C3%B8's gravatar image

Guttorm Flatabø
accept rate: 0%

wikified 10 Aug '12, 12:01

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question asked: 09 Aug '12, 12:33

question was seen: 5,748 times

last updated: 10 Aug '12, 12:01

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum