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I'm searching a way to map all the buildings of the french village Pouancé and its surrounding. But using the Bing map, it is impossible, it is not perfect enough to distinguish all the buildings from each other. How do people map buildings of a city ? Is there a special manipulation ?


asked 21 Apr '12, 23:05

Kormin's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

edited 21 Apr '12, 23:05

So it can be done really quickly when you master the tools, which is not my case :/

Is there a place where I could contact the french part of OSM, so I could meet french people from OSM who could explain to me what to do in front of a computer ?

And thanks you very much for the help :D

(23 Apr '12, 12:54) Kormin

Yes - have a look at the various options here (ou en Francais)

(23 Apr '12, 13:18) SomeoneElse ♦

PM me, I'll be glad to explain the steps.

(26 Apr '12, 15:12) Meersbrook

You can import made OSM files with buildings, transport, waterways from the IGN and import them with JOSM.

Edit: I am uploading the waterways for you now.

Edit²: Have finished uploading buildings.

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answered 22 Apr '12, 13:37

Meersbrook's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

edited 22 Apr '12, 20:04

The OP should note that cadastre :

(23 Apr '12, 12:01) Vincent de P... ♦

Absolutely but that's the case with all contributions. The Cadastre is great to import data for a whole town but one thing I've noticed is that some buildings are badly oriented; positioned fine but at an odd angle.

(26 Apr '12, 15:10) Meersbrook

the manipulaion is called fieldwork ;)

What you can do, if you don't have the time or will to do surveys outside: map the buildings as good as possible from the photos and leave the enhanced details for later, when you or someone else finds time for fieldwork, or better sources become available.

Possibly add a fixme=* tag to the houses.

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answered 22 Apr '12, 10:16

moszkva%20ter's gravatar image

moszkva ter
accept rate: 17%

With the JOSM editor you can magnify even more than when using Potlach2. The following image is of a bit of Pouance which I hope you are familiar with (see jpeg) which should be good enough to draw in the buildings. good luck

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answered 23 Apr '12, 14:56

andy%20mackey's gravatar image

andy mackey
accept rate: 4%

edited 23 Apr '12, 15:14

alt text

(23 Apr '12, 14:57) andy mackey

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question asked: 21 Apr '12, 23:05

question was seen: 5,248 times

last updated: 26 Apr '12, 15:24

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum