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I am trying to draw an island and somehow I ended up with two lines that do correctly circle the island when seen together. However the lines are not connected.

How can I connect those points?

asked 15 Mar '12, 12:18

HansMeijer's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

edited 15 Mar '12, 14:47

Pieren's gravatar image


could you specify if your island is inside a lake/river or in the ocean/see ? The answer will depend if you tag the borderline respectively as "landuse|natural" or as "coastline".

(15 Mar '12, 12:23) Pieren

it concerns an Island in the Baltic so it should be coastline.

(15 Mar '12, 12:31) HansMeijer

Can you post a link to the location of this island.

(15 Mar '12, 14:07) Gnonthgol ♦

I would like to, but I have no idea on how to do that.

maybe this helps:

(15 Mar '12, 14:29) HansMeijer

First, you have to know that OSM ways have a direction. This direction is usually not important excepted for oneway roads, roundabouts and... coastlines (and few other cases). As documented on the wiki, the land has to be on the left side and water on the right side. This does not seem to be the case for the island you pointed out ( All OSM editors are normally able to reverse the direction of the way.

Second, even if your coastlines are correctly tagged and directed, it does not mean it will be rendered immediately on the standard slippy map. This can be delayed as explained on this related question.

Last, you should notice that you added a dummy/empty way on the coastline here.

permanent link

answered 15 Mar '12, 14:55

Pieren's gravatar image

accept rate: 15%

edited 15 Mar '12, 14:57

Thanks for the information. How can I check the direction of ways once they are drawn? In Potlach I can change the direction but the current direction does not seem to be visible.

(16 Mar '12, 08:25) HansMeijer

In Potlatch, just select the "Enhanced" style from the Map Style menu. That will make directional arrows show up when you select any way.

(16 Mar '12, 09:53) Richard ♦

Are you sure ? None of the styles I select from the Map Style menu behave as you said on my machine (firefox 8.0)

(16 Mar '12, 11:50) Pieren

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question asked: 15 Mar '12, 12:18

question was seen: 3,983 times

last updated: 16 Mar '12, 11:50

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum